Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing Specialist?

Social networking website has more population than a country. On an average,Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing Specialist? Articles one person uses more than 2 social networking websites actively. The recent stats and survey shared by Digital Marketers India on must know social media statistics shares many as such interesting facts and stats, which should be known by a business owner or a chief marketing officer of the company. The stats of social media usage in 2017 is surprisingly huge and it shows a clear demand for having a social media marketing specialist on board to take care of business’s digital presence over social media.

Consumers are showing interest in interacting with Brands online. Moreover, they expect to hear back from a Brand within an hour after sending a message or tweet over a social platform. This shows how much important it is to have a dedicated social media marketing manager, who proactively handle concerns and queries of a Brand.

If a business doesn’t have a strong presence over social media, this is the time to go live on social channels and share the amazing content to engage with people who want to engage with brands like your business. A strategic social media marketing campaign can bypass competition and can put even a small business in the row of Big Brands as now both, small and big brands are sharing the same platform and same advertising space. The social platform empowered small businesses along with other high profile Brands to leverage the power of these social tools. Even with the limited marketing budget, any company can gain more business benefits from a social profile.

The stat of social media usage in 2017 shares, every two out of three online buyers initiate the purchase online. Moreover, the social media influence the buying behavior of customers. The consumers mentioned that they look at the reviews and ratings of the product or service before buying it. The social presence of the business makes it more credible in eyes of prospective clients and can increase leads and business. Thus, having social media marketing strategy in place can increase direct sales or can contribute to sales funnel strongly.

There are many companies who have increased usages of social media to establish their Brand over different social networking platform in the past year. They are using social media marketing services from the experts to capture billions of users who are using social media and get influenced by the information shared over there.

Along with the business, social media marketing contributes in speeding up talent hunting and recruitment process. Millenials and Gen Z use social platforms like LinkedIn to find a job. Furthermore, the research about the company culture on different social channels before taking a job. The stats shared by Digital Marketers India clearly share how much social media presence contributes in the recruitment process (Source). A good team is the strength of any company and strong presence over social media can help you get the best talent on board.

In 2018, ignoring social media marketing means ignoring a bigger percentage of fans, leads, business and good talent, which wouldn’t be a wise decision for any business. Posting different things on different social networking platforms will not bring any results and efforts will go in unpaid. A social media marketing speci

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